Amateur Radio Station
Amateur Radio Station

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Net Survey

I'm keeping track of the various amateur radio nets that I can reach from my home location. Noted are the minimum equipment needed for a successful check-in.

Story County ARES Net - 147.240 +0.6 MHz - Sundays 7:00pm - FM Repeater 5.84 miles
Stock Baofeng (5W and rubber ducky). I occasionally check in here as it's our local club's weekly net.
Boone County ARES Net - 146.850 -0.6 MHz - Sundays 8:00pm - FM Repeater 10.14 miles
Baofeng (5W) with 3 element tape measure yagi on indoors second floor. I occasionally check in here. The Boone net seems to have more formal traffic than the Story County net. I got even received a formal traffic congratulating me on passing the test when I first got licensed and was checking into this net. This was pretty cool.
Boone County ARES Net - 443.900 +5 MHz - Sundays 8:15pm - FM Repeater 10.14 miles
Baofeng (5W) with 3 element tape measure yagi on indoors second floor. Slightly worse than the 2m net.
Iowa 160 Meter Ares Net - 1.9725 MHz - Sundays 9:30pm - SSB
W0FS was the net control with about 21 miles from me. Used random wire with the Icom AT-130 tuner. Only one other station checked in that I barely could make out.