Amateur Radio Station
Amateur Radio Station

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APRS iGate

The APRS iGate is a Rasperry Pi with an dongle. I started out with a Rasperry Pi image which just required minimal configurations to get up and running. (

With switching from a Rasperry Pi 3 to a Rasperry Pi 2 I needed to recompile the direwolf code ( I also run the Rasperry Pi in console mode instead of GUI to save a few cpu cycles. Using GNU screen I can still attach remotely and view the direwolf output.

The iGate is located on the second story crammed behind a closet. The antenna, especially the ground plane which is a metal tape measure piece, isn't the best. So it doesn't hear as much traffic as some of the neighboring digipeaters. The APRS iGate still runs experimental as K0TET-10. I'm not sure if I'll keep it running permanently.